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Friday, April 04, 2008

Mr Double Stuff The Real Oreo Cookie At Super Bowl XLII

http://nflbiz.blogspot.com - As I was walking to the NFL HQ in Phoenix on the Friday before the game, I ran into this giant Oreo cookie next to a car, so I took out my camera and the result is this video. Well, it turned out to be the Double Stuff Racing League, or DSRL.com. Another marketing format to sell Oreo cookies, but this one includes a website DSRL.com, which is still active and features the Manning brothers.

You can join the DSRL and play the game there.

Oakland To Phoenix Flight Southwest Airlines - Super Bowl XLII

This is a video of the flight that I took from Oakland to Phoenix to attend Super Bowl XLII and the events before the game. It was a Southwest Airlines flight that left at 1:30 that day and got in at about almost 5 PM.

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